
Who plays in law abiding citizen
Who plays in law abiding citizen

who plays in law abiding citizen

Rice learns that Clyde owns an auto garage near the prison. The mayor puts the city under lockdown and promotes Rice to acting District Attorney. Clyde stands his ground and tells Rice that he is just beginning to destroy the current system and all who believe in it. Rice meets with Clyde in private and punches him repeatedly. Leaving the funeral of a colleague, Cantrell is killed by a weaponized bomb disposal robot. After a deadline has passed, a number of Rice's assistants die from car bombs.

who plays in law abiding citizen

Rice takes precautionary measures instead. Clyde demands all charges against him be dropped or he will "kill everyone". During a meeting with Rice and Cantrell, the judge dies when her cell phone explodes. They are warned Clyde can kill anyone anytime he wishes. They learn Clyde previously worked with the agency, creating imaginative assassination devices.

who plays in law abiding citizen

As loud music plays in Clyde's cell, he proceeds to kill his cellmate with the bone of his steak, forcing the warden to secure him in solitary confinement.Ĭantrell arranges a meeting with a CIA contact and brings Rice. Once he has his meal, which he shares with a cellmate, Clyde provides a set of coordinates where Rice and the others find Darby's lawyer, buried alive but suffocated by time-mechanized materials while Clyde's dinner was delayed. Rice agrees, though the lunch is delayed by a few minutes by the warden's security measures. The judge jails Clyde for contempt of court.Ĭlyde demands a steak lunch and a music player be delivered to his cell by a specific time, in return for telling where to find Darby's lawyer, who was reported missing. Clyde demands a new bed in his cell in exchange for a "confession." In court, Clyde represents himself and successfully argues he should be granted bail, then berates the judge for accepting the "bullshit" legal precedents he cited and for being too eager to let madmen and murderers back on the street. He initially refuses a plea bargain with Clyde, but District Attorney Jonas Cantrell orders Rice to make a deal. Rice learns his wife and daughter have been sent the dismemberment video and traumatized by it. Clyde willingly surrenders and goes to prison. When Darby's remains are found, evidence ties his death to Clyde. He straps Darby to a table and videorecords dismembering him.

who plays in law abiding citizen

Clyde, disguised as a police officer, reveals himself as the caller and paralyzes Darby with poison. An anonymous caller alerts Darby as the police draw near and directs him to a remote location. Unknown to the prosecutors and witnesses, the drug usually used has been replaced with an anticonvulsant, causing Ames to die painfully. Clyde feels betrayed by Rice's actions and the justice system. Ames is convicted and sentenced to death. Unwilling to take a chance on lowering his high conviction rate, he makes a deal with Darby, who pleads guilty to a lesser charge and receives a reduced sentence for testifying against his accomplice, Rupert Ames. Prosecutor Nick Rice is unable to securely convict Darby. In a home invasion, Clarence Darby kills the wife and daughter of Clyde Shelton. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal. Law Abiding Citizen is a 2009 American crime drama thriller film.Ī frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free.

Who plays in law abiding citizen